Dataverse, Dual-write, Power Platform

F&O ๐Ÿ’™ Power Platform – Your best buddies

This is part five in a series of posts, you can find the first one here. In the dual-write projects I have been involved in, I have had the possibility to exchange ideas with people both within the projects but outside of the projects as well. Community when at its best, people sharing and are willing to exchanged ideas even though not at the same company. In this post, I’ll highlight the Yammer group dedicated to dual-write and let you in on other good-to-know info and sources of information and inspiration.

The Yammer group

Learning about dual-write if more fun when doing it together with others. Find your F&O or Dataverse best buddy, engage in Microsoft insider programs, you will learn a lot and other people can learn from you too (from your questions, success stories as well as mistakes). There is a Yammer group dedicated to dual-write where the product group is very active, you will learn a lot by participating. Join here and search for the dual-write group.

Microsoft Learn is your best friend

Make it a habit to visit Microsoft Learn, the official documentation from Microsoft. Go there and follow set up instructions each time you set up dual-write in a new environment. It is living documentation and things move fast within this area.  Also, always stay updated, check for new versions, read release plans, attend events.

In my Demystifying dual-write post, I gave some tips about links to specific dual-write parts of Microsoft Learn.

XrmToolBox is your best friend

If you are from the Dataverse side, you are probably already familiar with XrmToolBox. Here follows some tools that are handy when working with dual-write. Record counter to count number of rows and compare to F&O after initial sync, FetchXML Builder to build queries and view data easily, Plugin Registration for viewing what dual-write related plugins there are e.g. for GAB solutions, Plugin Trace Viewer for looking at plugin trace logs if you encounter dual-write related errors.

Other sources

There are other people blogging about dual-write. Here are some tips.

Do you have any other tips about great sources or good tools? Let me know in the comments to this post!

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